
all i've ever wanted



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-19-2021, 12:51 PM
The darkness fininished claiming the world, and he was blinking at her from the faint silver of starlight. He could see the pain his words were causing her. The sadness etched into her skin. He was speaking of what she had created, and she was hearing everything she had lost. He reached forward, the water rippling around him as he pulled out a paw and touched the side of her face gently. "Lies." He said, his voice soft and sad. "Lies. You came here with nothing. A shipwreck surviver, fleeing a broken world. You saw this land, and you shaped it to your desire. A force to be reckoned with. A catalyst of change."
He paused, as if only just realizing how close he was to her. Looking at the paw that touched her face. Pain.

He was not well, the Ashen Warlord. The cracks had started when Deathbelle had almost died in his care. When he had been left for dead. He had thought them healed, but Zees presence had only slapped a bandage over them. With her death the wounds stood jagged and open, worse then before. He couldn't be what Deathbelle needed. He couldn't be right for her, when he caused pain so easily.
"Deathbelle... my little phoenix" he said softly, the rotten, selfish bastard. This way lay dragons. He paused before the plunge, knowing she coumd heal him, but the cost might be her own sanity, her own life. "... the food gets cold, are you hungry?"