
you're the satellite



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-19-2021, 03:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2021, 03:52 PM by Lillith. Edited 1 time in total.)
Emptiness, the feeling of a void all around her seemed to suck at her soul as she felt more alone than could ever be possible. She was overwhelmed with darkness. Lilith sobbed in her dream as she cried there on her cot. Tiny tears slipped past and she whined softly, unaware of Roman’s voice as he tried to get her attention. He tried to bring her out of her sleep twice over before her silver shoulder was graced with the gentle touch of his paw. For a moment the nightmare held tightly to her, refusing to give up its victim as she squirmed and suffered within it. Roman coaxed her out, his soothing voice convincing her from the depths of despair.

She returned to the land of the living with a visible startle, but it was nothing compared to the convulsing of her limbs within the dream. She inhaled with surprise as she realized where she was and that the lingering feelings of aloneness were not real. Lillith gasped for breath as her garnet gaze focused on the familiar features of Romulus. Her breathing slowly returned to normal, and she didn’t shy away from his paw on her shoulder.

”Roman,” she spoke his voice softly, as though it would ground her further to reality instead of the terrifying dream. She closed her eyes and rested her head back on the pillow, her body releasing its tension as she tried to relax into the cot. Another whine left her as she realized what happened. ”I’m so sorry I woke you up,” she lifted her head again and blinked open her eyes, watching as the moonlight reflected into his silvery gaze.

She felt the warmth of his toes against her fur, and for the first time in her life she wanted his touch. The feeling of being absolutely alone haunted her and the boy before her helped to ease and chase it away. Not that he could possibly know or understand. ”I guess you know it was a nightmare.” She averted her gaze again, not only ashamed of her waking weakness but also what she suffered through her sleep.

Lillith Adravendi