
I'd fight the world for you

Siren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
07-19-2021, 05:35 PM

Dalila walked beside Siren as they made their way back to the den after visiting her deer and walking the island. The island they lived on had never felt small, but something about being closed off here made it feel more restrictive than it originally had. She knew she could swim across if she really needed to, but with the cooler fall weather creeping in on them the water was pretty chilly and the last thing she wanted to do was leave Siren here alone. All in all she didn't mind all that much since Siren was her one and only focus in life, but it was something she noticed now that Chimera had left them for the time being with the bridge to the main land pulled away. The only thing she didn't really like was the fact that Viper was on their island as well. The smaller woman made her nervous ever since the time she attacked her.

She ducked into the den to put away a few herbs they had collected during their walk, stashing them away on the shelves. Turning her attention back to Siren she smiled and leaned her head down to sneak a gentle kiss to Siren's cheek. She did her best to restrict her affections to when they were alone in the den or at night when they were curled up in bed, though it was difficult to not shower her love in kisses and attention all hours of the day. "Would you like a bath before or after dinner?" she asked, wondering if she should collect their soaps and combs or get ready to prepare some of their stored meats for a meal. If she had to be contained to an island she was glad it was with Siren.
