
you're the satellite



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-20-2021, 06:38 AM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2021, 06:38 AM by Lillith. Edited 1 time in total.)
He was sweet and reassuring, his dark paw caressed her shoulder gently as he assured her that she hadn’t woken him. Lillith continued to calm down as Roman diffused the nasty feelings of her nightmare. She wasn’t alone, she wasn’t abandoned by her father or siblings, Romulus was right here with her. He didn’t press her on the details as she spoke softly, and he mostly dismissed what wasn’t real, it didn’t deserve their attention and he silently encouraged her to forget about the whole thing. What was more he went on to tell her just how much he understood what she was going through.

He pulled away and she withheld her protest, feeling both relieved and lacking as he continued to speak softly, and moved around the cots mysteriously. Lil watched him with wide ruby eyes as he went back to the other cot, and very carefully so no one came running the young man pushed his next to her own. The only comfort he ever got was when he was snuggled close to his parents, where they could keep away the bad dreams.

Roman also realized quickly she wasn’t very touchy feely, and Lillith was glad for the darkness around them as it hid her blush. She didn;t even know why she was blushing, she had never really liked being cuddled or coddled and she knew it drove her father half crazy, but they had made concessions and both were content. Roman was incredibly perceptive to realize after knowing her for a day. She didn’t refuse his idea, feeling that need for his touch and a little bit of comfort as she tried to shake the last vestiges of her nightmare.

Lil watched as he lowered himself back to the cot next to her, there was hardly any space between them but already the girl felt better. He placed a paw back to her brindled shoulder and instead of stiffening her body relaxed further into the plush bed beneath her. He promised her that if anything was going to get her, it would be forced through him first. She knew he still had his own injuries, and the castle walls protected them but she finally relinquished the control of her dream. A soft sigh left her delicate lips, a sound of peace as he chased her troubles away.

”Thank you,” she told him softly, blinking back her garnet gaze bashfully. Her own tiny silver paw reached forward to rest on his chest, just above his lively beating heart. ”I feel better already.” She admitted in a whisper, feeling a strange tingling in her belly as they lay so close like this. There was no tension or hesitation Lillith felt free and relaxed with him here beside her. ”I know I’m safe here, with the walls and my dad watching over me.” She explained quietly. ”But with you I feel like I can do anything and I don't have to hide away.” Despite her illness and weaknesses of her body. Roman encouraged her to spread her wings while Ulric protected and shielded her from that which could possibly hurt her. Deep down she knew if she was withheld she would never grow. She might get hurt, she might fail, but wasn’t that better than staying hidden away and watching her life pass her by.

Lillith Adravendi