
Time's Up




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-20-2021, 11:10 AM
He relaxed slightly when she issued him that she was fine, but just because it wasn't as bad as some wounds she had gotten didn't mean that he shouldn't be concerned. Even a small cut could get infected if not treated. Either way, they moved forward deeper into the cave, wading through a shallow pool to make it to a bit of higher ground in the cave, only to find what seemed to be the back of the cavern. He was about to suggest that they go back closer to the front of the cave to keep away from this pool that was slowly growing around their feet, but then Duchess mentioned a ledge and started climbing up onto it.

He waited till she got up first since she seemed to struggle with it, ready to help push her up if need be, but once she was up over the ledge he hoisted himself up as well, finding himself in the secluded area with Duchess. In the darkness he could just barely make out the outline of Duchess' form as she settled down, waiting till she had laid down before he did the same so that he didn't accidentally bump into her or something. He noticed how she was leaning away from her injured shoulder and he frowned with concern, scooting closer till his side was against hers. "You can lean into me if you want, get more pressure off of your shoulder." He wasn't always sure of how Duchess felt about him, but that never really stopped him from being affectionate. It was just part of who he was - the kind of guy to hug someone the first time they met. He dipped his head to gently nuzzle between her ears while they laid there, adding, "Hopefully this storm lets up soon."

Segin Epsilon