
Time's Up




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-20-2021, 05:21 PM
He didn't know what kind of response Duchess was hoping to get from him and with the lack of response he got he couldn't really tell if he offended her or hurt her with his uncertainty. It was just so unexpected and as much as he liked the idea of having pups and a real family it was still a big decision. He didn't want to be like his father and just have children just to have them. He wanted to love and cherish each of them and give them all of his attention. It was a thought he couldn't fully process in the middle of the night in a random cave while holding Duchess like this.

He wasn't all that surprised when Duchess told him what Indigo had said, not really thinking much of the fact that she had asked Indigo first. She had made it exceedingly clear in all of her actions that Indigo was her priority and that she loved Indigo most. That didn't bother him. He shared his heart freely with anyone who might want a place within it, Indigo included. Hearing that the band wasn't ready made sense, though he imagined that probably wasn't what Duchess wanted right now. "It does make sense," he told her gently, "We just started traveling and we're still getting our supplies and trading straightened out... It probably wouldn't hurt to wait till things are more put together at least." Of course a small thought in the back of his mind wondered if Indigo had only told her that to make her wait or to put off making that kind of decision with her, but that wasn't his place to judge.

Her question over whether she was pretty made him tilt his head with confusion. "Of course I do," he told her without hesitation brushing a paw against her cheek. "You're a gorgeous woman, Duchess... Of course, I um... you're not my usual type, but... That doesn't change the fact that you're objectively beautiful. Maybe that's even more of a compliment, being attracted to you even though your not male and not a larger woman." He stopped himself awkwardly after that, feeling a little bit like he was sticking his paw in his mouth.

Segin Epsilon