
The Hand You've Been Dealt




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-20-2021, 08:20 PM

The hesitation and the pause from Balthier was enough to make her question herself, wondering if she had done something wrong, if he didn't feel this same feeling that was stealing her breath away and making her skin tingle. She hung there for that brief second, feeling like time was frozen until he finally brought his lips back to hers, making the slight tension that had tightened her thin shoulders fall away. She returned that kiss and gave him another, the first few experimental and awkward as they figured out together what this was and how it was supposed to go, but she didn't care. It still make her heart race and it felt so much better than dwelling on the indescribable pain the massive hole in their lives their father had caused. She felt like she could run from that pain and ignore that it even existed as long has Balthier kept making her feel like this.

She held on tighter to his neck as her lips parted from his again, feeling out of breath but for once it wasn't because of her frail body or because she over exerted herself. She couldn't describe this feeling - it was like excitement but better, like love but better. She wanted him, wanted to be closer, but she didn't know why or how. It was equally exhilarating and confusing, but she wanted more. Anything was better than thinking about their father leaving, their mother abandoning them, the distance she felt from her other siblings, the uphill battle she was constantly climbing with her health. She wanted to feel better and she wanted to forget and she wanted to make Balthier feel just as good.

"Stay with me tonight?" she breathed against his lips, her paws working through his scruff and claws lightly tracing over his skin. Even if she never found the answer to this building heat in her, she at least knew that she didn't want to be alone. The thought of letting Balthier go back to his own bed tore her apart almost as deeply as the news he brought with him. He felt like her sanctuary, the last piece of her life that felt stable and whole.
