
Not the exercise you thought it was



07-21-2021, 01:20 AM

A sound to the side of her made her ear flick, but it wasn't until she felt something on her back did her eyes pop open and she jump a little at the sudden touch. She blinked, turning her head to see Siris leaning over the edge of the tub toward her scrubbing at her coat with some of the tools he had brought. He caught her off guard and she immediately, instinctively tensed up just from how close he was to her, but she forced a breath into her lungs and she let it out in a slow sigh, reminding herself of all the kindness he had shown her so far. He hadn't done a single thing that would make her think that he would hurt her, but those old instincts still died hard.

"You don't need to do that, sir," she told him softly, glancing back at him uncertainly. He had the same look on his face as he did when she had tried to help with setting this whole thing up, but she still felt strange having the Warlord bathing her. She was supposed to be here to give someone else baths and be their handmaid - this felt like the opposite of how their interactions should be. Besides that, his presence still made her nervous despite his kindnesses. "I um... I can bathe myself, sir."
