
Not the exercise you thought it was



07-21-2021, 01:48 AM

Iris half expected him to push on and continue what he was doing, but he didn't - something she was thankful for. She watched him curiously as he mentioned that he had children, stumbling briefly over the number of them, and pointing out that five of them were girls. She assumed that was supposed to be a way of helping her feel at ease as if this was something he would have done all the time, but it didn't quite relax her completely. It was hard to separate the massive, imposing male in front of her from the darker memories of her past, but luckily he backed off and left the brushes and rags beside her before moving a short distance away and settling with his back to her. She breathed a soft sigh as she allowed herself to relax again with a soft sigh.

Just as she began to wash out her coat, working the tools over her chest, legs, and stomach, he started to speak again to tell her about his grandkids. She looked up at him with a soft smile pulling at her lips. He was such a strange combination of soft and hard between his exterior that clearly was build for war and this softer side of him that spoke of children and grandchildren with such obvious adoration. "It sounds like you really care about them," she commented thoughtfully, bringing the brush across her shoulders and sides. She was quiet as she thought back through her past, trying to see if she could even remember the faces of her parents.

"I haven't seen my parents since I was a few months old," she admitted, distant and lost in thought. She hadn't spoken to anyone about her past before and it was strange to do so now, but once she started speaking she didn't really want to stop. With all this change so suddenly it was cathartic in a way to tell him what had gotten her to this state. "A man stole me. Used me until I was too old to be entertaining to him any more. Then sold me to the slavers." It was a very simplified version of her past, but it got the point across. None of it was pleasant, none of it was anything she wanted to relive.
