
I'd fight the world for you

Siren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
07-21-2021, 03:55 PM

Dalila nodded when Siren directed to have her bath after dinner and to the fact that she wasn't very hungry, already mentally planning what she might prepare. Before she could move away to do such things though, she caught a glimpse of Siren's grin, her gaze easily captured by Siren's own. She still hadn't gotten used to her lady returning her affections and even just feeling her lean into her chest made her breath catch in her chest and made her heart skip a couple of beats. She grinned back down at Siren, her ears folding back shyly as she leaned down to press a more genuine kiss to Siren's waiting lips. Ever since Siren's heat began Dalila could tell the difference in her boldness and her eagerness for their affections, but she was more than happy to give her anything she desired.

She wrapped Siren's delicate shoulders in one of her forelegs as her lips slipped away from Siren's, hugging her close while nuzzling and kissing across her ears and crown. Whenever they were alone like this it was hard to resist the temptation to give her lady the affection she craved and with Chimera being absent it was even more difficult. She didn't want to resist this woman she loved, but she also didn't want to bring more trouble onto them from her brother so she was still careful about when and where she indulged her.

"I don't have to prepare dinner right now if you're not hungry," she replied, tilting her head to place more kisses across Siren's cheek. "If there's something else you'd rather do instead we can. Maybe a walk on the beach? Or something else? Whatever your heart desires, I'll do for you." That was true in all things, not just this moment, but Siren already knew this. Dalila would turn the world upside down if that's what would make Siren happy. She smiled down at the woman she loved, brushing a gentle paw over her cheek and tracing the braid that fell down along her shoulder, she admired her delicate beauty while she waited on her answer.
