
rogue taxidermy




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-21-2021, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2021, 04:24 PM by Plague. Edited 2 times in total.)

Plague nodded to his nephew's thanks, giving him a small grin. If there was one thing Toxicity had drilled into her children it was manners. All of the children from both of his sister's litters were doing well in that regard it seemed - save for Kuroki at times. It did make him wonder how he might raise his own children if he was ever given the chance to have them. Despite the fact that he had decided to follow his heart and take a husband rather than a wife it was still something he wished for even if he didn't know the path he would take to get there. He was still excited to raise a family with Void all the same. He had hopes that perhaps Rava might come around to the idea of being their surrogate despite the fact that she was no longer a slave.

Pontifex pulled him away from his own thoughts as he questioned him on his armor, to which Plague nodded to confirm. "I did. I found the dagger on an island near by, but I did put some time into restoring it and replacing the leather on the hilt. I'd be happy to teach you." He had mostly focused his lessons on fighting since that had been his first love and that seemed to be the path that most of the pups were following, but crafting had become a bit of a passion project for him so getting a chance to share some of those skills made him happy. He lifted a corner of the leather looking at both sides of it for a moment. "You see how this side is smoother than the other? You'll most likely want to keep this smooth side out. It looks nicer, but this rougher side also adheres together better. If you were going to be taking the dagger in and out a lot I might suggest double layering it to make it stiffer and less resistant to being cut, but if it's just to use occasionally for general tasks then one layer should be fine."

At some point during his lesson his companions went off into the trees to find something more entertaining to do, but he didn't pay them much mind. Viridis and Procella never went far. He pointed to the dagger and then to a place along the edge of the sheet of leather. He didn't want to do it for him, instead directing him for what he should do so he could get the experience and the feel for it. "It's easiest if you lay the dagger at the straightest edge and then fold the leather over around it. Then you only have to stitch up one side and around the bottom. Look around and find a rock that has a moderately sharp edge on it and you can use that to etch a line into the surface of the leather where you'll eventually cut out the piece you need - but make sure to leave some excess around the edge for your stitching."

Plague | Viridis | Procella