
Take a break




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
07-22-2021, 01:14 AM
Emersyn had been feeling more than a little on edge lately since the pack had arrived at the waterfalls just outside several packs' lands. Beyond being situated between three clusters of wolves she knew nothing about, there was the tense meeting with Indigo's sister Asla, as well as Duchess' extremely odd and concerning behavior. Just the other night, she had caught the small purple girl slipping out on her own and had been about to chase her down when she saw Indigo go after her and allowed the man to do so instead. She didn't exactly like how Duchess was behaving around Indigo, or around Segin now for that matter either, but they were all grown adults (though sometimes she questioned that) and could do as they pleased. Either way, things had been feeling tense in the band since their inception and departure from the Hallows castle. Em had been working nearly nonstop to make sure the pack was safe and everyone was accounted for and not trying to get themselves killed. That in of itself was a full time job.

This day, she had been killing time sitting beside the stream that ran from the falls while she kept and eye on their goat herd, idly tossing rocks into the water. Just as she picked up another rock, Segin came trotting up briskly and snatched the stone from her paw, tossing it away and commanding her to follow him in the most cheery way, all smiles all the time. His lips met her cheek in a kiss and he declared they were going to relax, all before Em had the chance to say or do anything. "Uhh... okay?" she replied, too much in a state of shock to really argue with him on it. Everyone was off doing their own thing any way, and there hadn't been any traces of danger she'd found; perhaps she could afford some time to unwind. Emersyn rose to her paws and followed the smaller brute eastward away from their camp, all the while wondering where they were going and what he had planned for them. Relaxing wasn't exactly something Em had done a lot of in her life, so this would be uncharted territory for her.

The pair of wolves arrived at a beautiful scenic cliff with verdant grass and wildflowers as far as the eye could see. From the cliff, the eastern sea could be seen turning a dark navy as the sun drifted from afternoon toward evening, still sparkling where the sun's rays managed to hit it. There was a pleasant coastal breeze that kept the air cool, but not chilly. Em watched with a raised brow as Segin got himself comfortable on his stomach and patted the grass beside him, looking up to her expectantly. "You certainly know how to pick a location," she commented with a smile, coming over to flop across the grass beside Segin, so close their fur was just beginning to brush against each other's. She was still getting used to the idea of having other wolves near her, but dammit she was trying! "Special occasion, or are you just being sweet to me again?" She fixed him with a softer, warmer gaze along with her smile. Segin was such a gentle sweetheart; he really was the heart and soul of their little family.
