
The dinner bell


08-04-2013, 12:37 AM

Oh. Ouch. Inside, the black man winced and started to think up a suitable reply. He really had three options here.
1. Say nothing, which was pretty darn safe.
2. Be an ass about it, which wouldn't make him any friends, not that he needed any.
Or 3. Be sympathetic and play nice until they could move on in topic.

Choice number three won. Greed gave a grim nod and replied, "That sucks, kid. That really does suck. it happens though, I guess." it did too. Death happened everyday, and it could so easily come around and take someone that you knew. Hell, he had dealt with that enough to be an expert in this matter. Greed didn't share his feelings, so when he spoke next his words were flat and emotionless. It was plainly hiding something, but that something was too well hidden for even the one hiding it to detect what it exactly was. "I lost my mate and two pups when a bear attacked my family. My oldest was bringing home a girl to meet the family too, so I didn't have anyone keeping an eye out on things. I understand, Boyo. Nature is a cruel mistress, Kid." He had gotten revenge for what had happened, and had moved on. His heart may be locked away so none could touch it, but he was not an empty husk. This kid didn't look too beat up about it either. Greed would bet his next meal that these unfortunate events would only make this kid stronger and better off in life.

I speak I think I hear

OOC: Family is gone, so now I will be able to post more often now.