
Not the exercise you thought it was



07-22-2021, 05:55 PM

His answer came much faster than it had taken her to ask it and she listened intently as he described how he had landed in a form of slavery, acting as a guard to this woman in his past after the death of his parents and how she had eventually given him his freedom. She hummed softly as she look it in, looking down at the surface of the water around her for a moment, her blue paw sweeping slowly across the surface to absent mindedly move around some of the bubbles that had collected from the soap she had used. His experience as a slave had been very different than her own. He had been friends with his master and had eventually gotten his freedom and had the chance to have a family, build a pack... Extensively different from her own experience. She felt a strange jealousy toward him and his life, but she pushed the thought away. Thinking those kinds of things weren't going to do her any good.

However, it was still interesting to her that someone as large and imposing as himself could have ever been under the control of someone else. "Well... That was kind of her," she commented softly after a moment of thought before she finally decided to stand, the water rolling off of her. She started carefully climbing out of the tub, once again moving not so gracefully, but at least this time she didn't nearly face plant as she got her paws back onto the ground. The warm water made her muscles and joints feel so much better. With her coat clean once more the blue and purple markings in her fur stood out more brilliantly and the subtle variations in her cream and tan fur were more noticeable. However, the wet fur clinging to her body make her slender, boney state all the more obvious. She gave herself a shake to get off some of the water, but she couldn't shake very hard without messing with her healing wounds too much.

She turned back toward him, feeling a bit self conscious with her wet fur, but she was sure that she still looked far better now than she had before even with her bones being accented more. "Thank you for the bath," she told him with a grateful, respectful dip of her head. She waited till the fire had been put out before she asked, "What kind of stretches would you like for me to do?"
