
Mixing Business and Pleasure

Rûga & Keetie



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2021, 09:54 PM
She laughed softly as Sitka admittered a desire to overdose on her. She would happily be the death of him. Let him die in her arms, because after today, the rest of his life would be a dull grey. Today he would know true beauty, true joy. She shivered at the feel of her nose running down her spine. She was aware of Ruga in the background, watching. She was on stage, and she felt a blooming desire to put on a good show. Let Ruga’s jealousy grow until he could not contain himself any longer. Dance for them, dance, until they were both so drunk on her they forgot themselves.

She could feel Sitka sliding about her. They were drinking in each other without going for that kiss. That single kiss that he had earned with his fight. It was a game, and it would end with that touch. By the time he finally received that kiss, he would be on fire. He would not be willing to let her go.

She grabbed for his shoulder as he brushed past her, sinking her feline like claws into his flesh as she swayed her hips, bumping it against him. She tossed back her head, showing him the curve of her neck as she licked her lips and moved them forward, slowly, carefully. She started in the direction of his muzzle - would it all end here, so sudden? Darting at the last second towards his jaw, nicking it with her muzzle as her paw released his shoulder and trailed a touch of his blood down him. Digging in with her paws, kneading his shoulders with her knowledge of the body and muscles, wanting to hear him groan beneath her touch.
