
Don't grow up too fast




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-22-2021, 11:24 PM
With Lilith spending time with Romulus and Ezra spending time with Syanna, it really made him face the fact that his children weren't pups any more. He didn't know what their relationships would eventually grow to be if it was anything at all, but there was one thing that he knew he didn't want for them. He didn't want them to make the same mistakes he had. His mother hadn't really spoken to him about relationships or mating and he had more or less figured things out as he went along. He didn't know if it would have made a difference in his life, if he would have been more cautious with who he slept with or not, but with how many litters he had fathered, each with different mothers... It wasn't something he was proud of. He had already spoken to Ezra and he felt like Lillith was next in line. He wasn't exactly looking forward to this conversation with his innocent daughter - and there was a strong possibility that he might ask Eska to handle some finer details about the woman's side of things - but he felt a responsibility to say something too.

He had asked her to come talk to him, knowing that she would probably be spending time with Romulus otherwise and that was most certainly not a conversation he wanted to have in front of the Armada boy. Maybe he should talk to him one on one about this though as well... But he already felt awkward enough trying to talk to his children about it. He lingered around the castle grounds, tending to a few things around the alpaca's fence line and walking the perimeter by the castle walls to see if there was anything to be worked on. He was mostly just keeping himself busy and waiting for Lilith to come find him, all while trying to decide what he should say and how much he wanted to talk to her about.

Ulric Adravendi