
Mixing Business and Pleasure

Rûga & Keetie



5 Years
Dire wolf

07-23-2021, 12:52 AM
The salacious game between the two wolves had turned into an evenly balanced tug of war, with each one pushing up the ante to try and draw more reactions out of the other. Sitka reveled in the way Keetie gave him unrestricted access to her throat, tilting her head back to arch her neck for his roving mouth. He lifted a paw to drape it around her midsection, keeping her body held close to his while he trailed his touch along her side, feeling every dip and curve in the natural flow of her body. Charcoal-dipped toes ran through her silky fur, regaling in its splendor and softness while he followed her lithe form, watching how the swirling sea of galactic colors parted around his digits. He imagined what it would feel like to mount her right now, to claim her and make her sing for him and let Ruga bear witness to the tunes he could make her cry. There could be no doubt that it would be the sweetest sound his ears would ever hear.

His lecherous imagination didn't get long to wander however, as with his paw around Keetie, he left himself exposed to her own touch. She slid her body up to his until they were pressed so close he could feel her fur mingling with his, and she took control back with a single paw. Sitka froze when he felt that touch on his stomach, his muscles immediately tensing in all the right ways under her electrifying stroking. Low, breathy groans of ecstasy escaped the brute while her paw made its way down his torso, her claws parting his fur with expert precision to enhance those fiery tingles she left in her wake that made his muscles tense and flex like he'd been shocked. He silently willed her paw to travel lower, to find where the desire burning him up inside was gathering between his thighs.

Anything Keetie did to him felt amplified tenfold simply by the way she did it, drawing heavier breaths from the man to wash over her neck. His muzzle shifted up to catch one of her tender ears between his teeth, treating it as gently as he could while raking his fangs across the thin skin. He wanted her to hear every little groan, every quiet gasp or hitch of his breath that her exploring paw received. His claws flexed against her skin on reflex, trailing along her side from her ribs down to her waist ever so slowly, his paw coming to rest just above her shapely hip. With one strong foreleg, he pulled Lorikeet's body tighter to his, wanting everything he could get from this goddess of euphoria—well, everything except for a kiss right now. Nothing could make him want this to end any time soon.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.