
Splat! [Bog]



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
07-24-2021, 12:11 PM

The strange male seemed hesitant as he moved a bit closer, and the mud-hued wolf could help his stubby tail twitching with amusement. It was always so entertaining to see strangers in the swamp, they often were outright horrified by the volume of muck and slime everywhere, or wary of the wildlife. "Hey, yea this is a weird sort of place isn't it? Do you know what makes everything glow like this?" the rich tones of his voice seemed to echo through the quiet of the mangrove swamp, which was rarely all that noisy to begin with. The smaller wolf bobbed his head with a cheerful grin. "There's little critters living in the water that glow when they're disturbed, or if they're feeling some type of way," he explained, verdant gaze dropping to trace the whorls that formed in the water as the phytoplankton moved about. To demonstrate, he stretched out the paw not burdened with a fish and skimmed it over the surface of the water, triggering a far brighter display.

"You get used to them after a while, but they make it much easier to move around without tripping over something." he admitted with a small chuckle. He tipped his head to the side as he looked over at the stranger again, with his contrasting colours and curious mind. He didn't have anything better to do, and making at least a few friends was always important if you wanted to get anywhere in life. "I was about to get started on dinner, would you care to come sit by the fire while I cook? I can tell you more about the mangrove, if you'd like." he offered, cocking his head in the direction he'd just been heading. He wanted to get the catfish seasoned at the very least, even if he would now be dipping into his stores at home rather than picking fresh stuff.

"speech" thinking "others"