
Don't grow up too fast




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-24-2021, 01:03 PM
Ulric's ears perked at the sound of his daughter's voice and he turned to face her, the grin on her features immediately making him smile. The way having that boy around had had brought her so much happiness hadn't gone unnoticed and it was the main reason he had continued to let him stay indefinitely. As long as he lifted Lilith's spirits like this then Ulric could tolerate him. She reached up to kiss his creek and he grinned, his tail wagging gently. It seemed like she was in a particularly good mood and her affection made him melt. She had him wrapped around her paw and he made no efforts to hide that fact. He would gladly do anything for his children, but especially for Lilith.

"There you are, my darling," he rumbled, dipping his head to give her cheek a light kiss in return. "Come on, I wanted to talk to you about something." He led her a little ways away from the castle just to ensure that they would have some privacy, taking her to a hilltop just outside of the castle gates that overlooked the shore below. He had practiced what he had wanted to say over and over before she arrived, but it still felt awkward as he settled on his haunches and waited for her to join him. He gave her a shy grin and then looked out at the ocean while he tried to find a way to broach the subject.

"So... you and Romulus are getting along pretty well, huh?" he asked, lowering his silver gaze to look at her again. He kept a little smile on his lips, trying to show that he was doing his best to accept the idea of her and his boy spending time together. His protective streak was a strong one, but he wasn't blind to how much good he seemed to be doing her.

Ulric Adravendi