
only get by with a little bad luck

Ada <3


07-24-2021, 01:44 PM

She'd really done it this time. Who was ever going to find her in here? The bobtailed woman hadn't found one patch of bad luck, but two. First she'd sliced open her paw pad on an old, broken bone. Then, backpedaling towards the only natural light in the whole space, Ada had stumbled into a trap. Someone, somewhere had told her that his place was often used by save traders but she hadn't believed them. The trap that she was in was proof that they'd been right. Ada hung swinging in the air, encased in a big wire and rope net. She'd tried chewing through it, but no wolf could chew through wire.

How long had she been up here? Surely the slavers would come back to check their traps before she starved to death, right? Ada hung, lightly swinging, a patch of natural light from a hole in the crypt's ceiling the only difference in an otherwise pitch black place. The fae's delicate ears perked as she heard movement in the darkness. A second patch of light began to slowly grow and Ada's blood orange eyes widened. "Hellooooooo!" Her thick, Irish accent reverberated off of the stone walls. "Can ye help!? I'm a little stuck up here!" Hopefully whoever found her was friendly. Oh, and not a slaver. Definitely not a slaver.
