
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
07-24-2021, 02:38 PM

The auburn woman mirrored his gestures, similarly pawing at the water to create little ripples that travelled across the top of the pool. "Oh gee, I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jynn! I don't live anywhere in particular. I'm a nomad so wherever I happen to be is home." she announced gleefully, and to go with her name she offered up her unique lifestyle. Bog wasn't certain he could ever spend his days without a den to return to each night, but the idea did intrigue him. No sooner had he begun to roll the notion to and fro in his mind, then Jynn got to her paws again and gave her damp toes a little shake. "Say, I'm headed out to the Kamui Delta, its along the river southeast of here, right next to the Mangroves. Have you been there before? Would you want to join me?" her questions produced a strange lightness in his chest that he wasn't quite familiar with. He was being invited to join her on a new exploration! Did that make them friends, or just travel buddies for the day? Either way, he was already excited by the prospect.

Shuffling back to his feet, the moss-dappled yearling was reminded of just how small he was in comparison to this leggy explorer. "Sure! I've only been there for a few minutes to look for shells, I didn't get to really look around. It would be nice to get to check it out for real this time." he replied with a grin, already shifting his attention to the treeline as he tried to puzzle out the route. "Lead the way!"

--Exit Bog w/ Jynn?--

"speech" thinking "others"