
Take a break




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-24-2021, 04:21 PM
He grinned proudly when she complimented the location he had picked, his tail wagging through the grass and flowers behind him. "Thanks! I saw it when I was out scouting the other day and I thought it was too good of a place to pass up for a little picnic." As she got laid down beside him he started pulling out a few things from the bag he had packed for them. He naturally leaned into her as their sides brushed, not even thinking twice about brushing his tail against her thigh. He cared for everyone in the band in one way or another, but Emersyn was extra special to him. Indigo probably still had top spot in his list of favorites and loves, but Emersyn was a very, very close second. He looked up to her two toned eyes when she asked if it was a special occasion or if he was being sweet and he returned her smile with a small shrug. "Just being sweet I guess. I wanted to spend time with you," he answered honestly, leaning up to affectionately nuzzle her neck.

Turning back to the supplies he brought, be pulled out a little bundle of berries he had gathered the other day, unfolding the cloth to reveal some strawberries and blueberries. He also laid out a couple pieces of dried meats in case Emersyn was hungry and finally sat a bottle beside their treats. "I've been experimenting with making some wines like they had at The Hallows," he said with a smirk. "I thought maybe you'd help me taste test it and see if it's any good?" He didn't think it was half bad, but he was only one pallet out of many so he wanted to get all of their opinions. Besides, what could possibly be better than snacking on some berries and drinking some wine while watching a sunset?

Segin Epsilon