
Past the tribulation



07-25-2021, 01:18 AM

She had started to lose track of how many days it had been since Sirius rescued her from her fate of starving to death while chained to the ground. Each day was pretty much the same. She would wake up, do some of the stretches that the Warlord taught her, she'd have some breakfast, spend some time moving around the territory collecting herbs just to keep rebuilding her muscles and make herself useful. The training that Sirius had promised seemed to be paused for the time being, but she didn't mind. He was focusing on something with his family and she was content to quietly keep to herself like she continued to slowly put on weight and recover.

Her ribs were still visible along her sides, but they were far less distinct than they once had been. Her coat had started to regain some luster now that she was able to keep it clean more consistently and was eating properly again. She had mostly avoided any of the other wolves in the pack, unsure of how she was supposed to approach them if at all. As far as she knew she was still a slave or a handmaid as Sirius had put it - though she had yet to meet the woman he said she was supposed to care for. Did slaves in this pack interact with the other wolves normally? Were there any other slaves or was she the only one?

She had found a lambs ear plant and was collecting a small pile of the leaves, a soft smile on her face. Well, even if she spent the rest of her days here quietly on her own she would be more than happy. Never in her life had she just been allowed to live as she wished like this and this small bit of autonomy was liberating.
