
It's wild like the river It's warm like the sun




Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (179)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-25-2021, 09:01 AM
Ari crashed into her mom and clung blissfully, her face enveloped in the familiar scented fur of the woman who had birthed and raised her. She made a small noise of protest as Zee moved her, but just clung harder in the new position as Gossy slammed into the spot she'd just been in. She was too caught up in her own excitement to notice her siblings' reticence, though she didn't get crushed so if she'd thought about it she'd notice she wasn't being crushed and - considering her mother's small size - if more siblings had piled in to hug the mother who'd they been told was dead she certainly would be. Instead she got a long, zen moment frozen in time, breathing in her mother's scent and just existing in bliss.

Then everything went dark and she barely stopped from squealing at the sudden surprise, but the soft enveloping blanket was made of feathers and there was a pressure of larger arms around them. Oh, Mortis. She giggled into her mother's fur and whisper-yelled back at him in a mock complaint born in the giddiness of the happy reunion, "Mortis that tickles!" But it was sobering to remember that Mortis had actually believed that Zee was dead - how much more shocking and relieving it must feel for him to suddenly have his mom back from the dead, instead of returning from being missing. She reached up to pat his wing soothingly, even though she had to spit out feathers and hold back a sneeze.

Finally she pushed back, balancing against whoever was behind her while she sought to grab her mom's face between her paws, to squish her cheeks as she moved her back and forth, peering at her critically. What she saw made a fierce frown replace the giddiness. "Mom you look like shhh- uhhh you look awful. What happened? Who did this to you?" She paused to further take in the signs of neglect and abuse that she hadn't caught in the initial rush of excitement and her scowl darkened further, an incongruous expression on a tiny pixie face. "I'll kill them. I'll..." She paused again, this time out necessity as words failed to express what she would do to anyone who'd dared hurt her mother, and she buried her face back into her mother's shoulder to cling again, not to cry or for comfort but to comfort Zee, who'd obviously been through some shit.

No one, no one, would fucking hurt Zee again even if Ari had to follow her everywhere as a body guard. She was small, but she was smart and she was determined so she'd be better at it than.... She blinked. "Wait, where's Azure?" She wasn't close to her older litter brother at all, but the thought that he really might be dead stoked her rage.