
only get by with a little bad luck

Ada <3


07-25-2021, 12:13 PM

In time, the ball of light came closer, revealing an earthen colored brute holding a lantern. Aha, her savior commeth! The man inspected the contraption for a moment, then told her to prepare to land. "What? Oh, wait!" Too late. He banged on the catch and the monochromatic fae found herself plummeting to the ground. Her paws touched first, but her pad was still sliced and sore so she ended up falling to the side with a little gasp.

After kicking the remnants of the net away, Ada sat up and lifted her paw, inspecting the sliced pad. It was irritated and was seeping blood again from her harsh landing. The fae cast her pumpkin colored gaze towards the brute that had freed her. "Ye wouldn't happen te have any o' that healing stuff, would ye?" Ada remembered her predicament and gave her head a shake before nodding at the man. "Thank ye for freeing me." She surely would have died up there.

"Wot are ye doin' in a silly place like this anyway?" Ada motioned to the wide, dark space with a push of her muzzle. "Someone said there were slavers in here. I didn't rightly believe 'em." She then gave a little shrug. "I guess I believe 'em now, eh?" A good natured smile crinkled the corners of the fae's eyes. She'd found some poor luck, but good luck had followed. "Name's Ada. And wot might the name of me savior be?" The woman gave her head a little tilt.
