
But what if?




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-25-2021, 02:14 PM

Healing from the wounds inflicted during her ravaging was taking longer than Eska anticipated. Meat and muscle healed at different rates. Her flesh had been torn, but the muscles had been damaged as well. While the meat was threading itself back together, the muscles would take significantly longer. It was unfortunate. Eska was ready to begin her training with Ulric immediately.

The man had been taking very good care of her, rarely leaving her side and always making sure that she was provided for. It had taken a few days of sleeping and eating to get her strength back, but Eska was back to normal in that department. She was back to making small patrols, usually closer to the castle for Ulric's peace of mind. The silvered woman wasn't an idiot and she didn't think that she was invincible. It was easy for her to understand his worries, so when he told her that he was going to purchase the dogs that they'd looked at together, she didn't argue.

Had Eska known the worries that were going through Ulric's mind, she would have been able to set him straight. However, he didn't talk to her about his concerns. Did he not trust her? Did he think that he had to protect her from his thoughts? Who knew?

While Ulric ran through his patrols with the dogs, Eska rested. She knew the drill by now. He would return, they would go to see Gwyn together. She would be told that she was healing at a good pace. The earthen man would still worry. Dark ears perked when the door was pushed open. Ulric came forward, kissing her quickly before asking her if she was ready to go see the healer. Reaching out one silver paw, Eska cupped the man's cheek, pulling his lips back against hers. She missed their intimacy. Though she was resigned to the fact that it would be unwise to engage in such strenuous activities with healing wounds, that didn't stop Eska's lust in the slightest. There was just something about Ulric that made Eska want to be beneath him all of the time.

Once she had tasted her fill of him, Eska pulled away and slid from the bed. Together, they moved through the castle and to the infirmary. Golden eyes kept glancing in his direction. She wasn't sure how much longer she could go without him.
