
Unexpected meeting



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-25-2021, 08:43 PM
Rudy hadn’t spent much time in fossil ridge.  There were so many great areas to hunt in the land mom had found for them. The plains, berry grove, and the garden were all the places he had spent most of his time.  This evening he would try something different and get to know the fossil ridge a bit more.  Rudy would probably come here every night for a week or so till he knew the area better whether he found it great for hunting or not.

The sun slowly setting over a hill was a pleasant sight.  Shadows slowly stretching out as the sun gave up its hold in the sky and the moon creeping up.  The only concern of course was with all the raised land the ability for any threats to be close yet out of sight.  Plenty of places to keep the wind from blowing your scent too far was both a blessing and curse depending on if it would be used for or against him.

The thoughts seemed well timed as Rudy turned a corner around a large hilland spied a bear that had been moving in the same direction they had come from.  The large beast and Rudy stared at each other for a moment before they both moved into aggressive postures.  The bear roared it’s claim of the space and Rudy lowered his head to be even with his body snarling back in return.  What was with all the bears? They seemed grumpy and Rudy imagined it was knowing winter would be on its way and they had no idea if this one would be mild or harsh again.  What was a mild winter like anyway?  Right now the weather was great but he still remembered the horrible cold.

The bear stepped towards him and raised up on its hind legs swiping at Rudy who had to launch himself away and try to circle around.  Rudy dived in and almost got a bite at the leg but the bear’s paw came down too close and Rudy lept away.  Rudy howled out to see if anyone was in the area.  Bears were a lot easier to deal with when their was a friend to fight with.

Rudyard Carpathius