
A Chat About Healers


08-05-2013, 01:41 PM

Rayne. Her name turned her attention to her Alpha as she entered the den, followed closely by Cormalin. "Chrysanthe." She dipped her head to her Alpha, staying respectful as always. The next words that left the Alphas dark lips stilled her. She wanted to know everything. Every little detail of what happened. Ears reflexively pinned against her ivory skull. "Uh y-yes I suppose." She spoke softly, gaze dropping to the den floor.

Her eyes clouded as she thought back, reluctantly letting the memories wash over her. "I was visiting Fern Gulley, looking for herbs. I was alone, and then the air changed, like when a predator sets his target on his prey. He...he approached slowly, wanting to know if I wanted company. When I tried to leave, he kept blocking me in, and went I ran he tripped me and I lost my balance." She looked at none of the wolves that stood before her, her gaze was far away, lost in the horrors, her heart raced, pounding in her chest. "I have never seen such cold, cruel eyes before." Her voice was a whisper, gems turning to Chrysanthe.

"He was much bigger than me. A vibrant silver coat, his muzzle was darkened, along with below his eyes, eyes as blue as the ocean." A soft sight slipped past her lips. She was suddenly exhausted again, like she had just ran for miles. She struggled to keep the depression from her eyes, the terror. She simply wanted to sleep it all away and forget about it.

"speech" thought