
Small comforts


07-25-2021, 11:28 PM

It seemed that her string of days of quiet solitude and time spent solely focused on her recovery were over. When Sirius' companion came to get her she was surprised, but there was no hesitation to follow and she easily joined in with preparing the fire and supplies as instructed. She wasn't sure how long it had been since she came to the Armada, but it had to have been a few weeks at least. It was enough time for her to regain most of her long lost weight, her slightly visible ribs well hidden under her fur. There was only a few small, mostly unnoticeable places where her scars kept her fur from growing properly, causing small bald spots in her coat - mostly around her scruff and neck from the countless abuse she had endured. Either way, she felt like a different wolf than she had when Sirius brought her here.

Nerves bubbled up in her stomach while she waited near the den for Sirius to arrive, curious to see what this was all about. He had mentioned a woman that she would be serving the day she arrived, but nothing else had been said about it since then. She fidgeted uncertainly, fiddling with some grass under her blue paws. Would she finally be put to work as a handmaiden? Was this what this was? She had never done anything like this before so she really wasn't sure what to expect, but she would do anything to stay here. This was the first time in her life she had felt any semblance of safety and was the first time she had been consistently fed since she was a pup and she wasn't about to let all that go without a fight.

Eventually she heard the sound of paws walking toward her and she lifted her orchid eyes till her gaze fell on Sirius and a smaller figure walking beside him. She got to her paws to greet them, looking to the tawny woman that had horns like she had never seen growing from her skull. When she saw the state she was in, thin and frail, it almost felt like she was looking in a mirror of her past self. She glanced up at Sirius as he introduced them, explaining that this was his wife. He hadn't mentioned before what his relationship was to the woman she was supposed to tend to, but now that she knew it was his wife she felt even more pressure to do well for the Warlord and his wife.

She looked back to Zee when she gave her a greeting and Iris smiled softly, dipping her head low in a respectful bow. "Hello, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you." Lifting her head, she glanced at the meal that she had prepared with Bast. "Your dinner is ready if you would like to eat. Please, let me get it for you." She let them get comfortable by the fire and hurried over to the meat they had prepared, bringing it over to lay the steaks across a plank of wood in front of them. "I gathered some berries while I was collecting herbs the other day so I brought those with me as well if you'd like some when you're done," she told them before dipping her head and stepping back to let them eat.
