
Purpose Driven




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 12:21 AM

The wind picked up across the prairie, whipping about in a gale that whistled in Irilyth's ears. She walked as best she could, but the wind pummeled her and threatened to knock over her smaller body. Her will to survive kept her pushing on though, refusing to give up. During a break in the wind, that was when she heard it. A voice calling out. Iri's eyes lifted and scanned about; was someone calling for her, or was she imagining all this? Nope, there! Raspberry eyes spotted the purple shape of a wolf waving to her from a nearby cave, beckoning her over. Was this wolf offering to save her from the storm?

With no better options, Irilyth turned eager yet exhausted paws toward the cave and made for the shelter as fast as she could. The rain began to pick up right as she reached the entrance and hurried inside, grateful to no longer feel her coat getting damp. The cave wasn't tremendously large, but it was more than enough for the two wolves waiting out the storm. Speaking of... "Thank you," Iri said, turning her gaze over to the wolf that had become her temporary bunkmate. She looked over the other woman, awed by her size and by the regality of her rich purple coat swirled with dark blues to look like the night sky. She was nearly twice her size and double her weight in muscle! The woman looked strong, powerful, confident, with the lithe physique of a fighter and all the curves of a bodacious woman.

Stepping away from the woman so she wouldn't get sprayed, Iri gave her coat a shake to rid it of the loose water, then returned back to sit down on the opposite side of the cave's mouth from her gracious host. "Thank you for your generosity, Miss," she thanked the purple fae again, dipping her head as she spoke. "I hope I'm not intruding on your home." She peered over to the pronghorn carcass as she spoke, but noted no furs or bedding in the cave. If this was the woman's home, she had very recently moved in. The tiny blonde fae brought her gaze back to the other woman's face, giving her a small smile while listening to the rainfall grow heavier outside.
