
tell me what its like



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-26-2021, 01:16 PM

He chuckled as she mentioned a jealousy over him and his "perfect" relationship, smirking as she booped his nose. "Perfect is a strong word," he insisted, squeezing her paw as it held his own. He and Void had most certainly found a true, unmatched love in one another and there wasn't hardly a day that passed since their wedding that they didn't enjoy each other in some way or another, but there were some things that their relationship just couldn't. "I think we both have something that the other lacks," he mentioned with a slightly sad smile. "Void and I have all the love and passion in the world and there's shortage of desire, but we can never have the family that you and Hattori have created - not without help at least." There would never be children born from them alone, never any pups that had true Abraxas-Destruction blood. The thought didn't bother him enough to give Void up, but it showed how no relationship truly had everything.

"I heard of some slavers that have taken up residence in the barren hills," he mentioned after a moment, his ears flicking uncertainly. I thought I might go and try to purchase a slave from them that might be a surrogate for us." He still wasn't sure how the whole idea of purchasing another wolf sat with him, but slaves were nothing new to him or their culture. He knew he would treat whoever he purchased well so at least her life with them would be pleasant, but that didn't seem to help the guilt or uncertainty he felt over it. His determination to one day see Void and himself as parents was the only thing that kept him moving forward with the plan, that desire stronger than most anything else he was focused on. As much as he loved being an uncle, he still wanted to have children of his own.

Plague | Viridis | Procella