
Only going up from here




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-26-2021, 04:32 PM
He nodded along as the energetic girl explained how her father traveled around too, just on his own instead of in a band. “I was like that too before I found the man that’s leading our band now. I have to say, it’s definitely more fun traveling around with a group than by myself!” He didn't feel like he needed to share how he had been forced into traveling as a loner because of the darker events in his life or how his experience doing that had probably been tainted by the heartbreak he had been working through at the time - she was far to bright and innocent to bother with those sorts of things. Of course, the fact that he loved the wolves he traveled with certainly helped, but either way he enjoying his time traveling far more than he had in the past.

He laughed lightly when Kaija questioned him about the treasures he had seen and he waved the girl off with a playful grin. "I'm afraid I haven't found anything all that exciting... not yet at least." He grinned and winked, adding, "We've only just started traveling recently so there's still plenty of time to find all kinds of things. I have seen some pretty cool places though so that's almost as good to me!" He hummed thoughtfully wondering if maybe there was at least an interesting location he had seen that he could leave her with since he had fallen short on the treasure department. "If you ever get to go exploring through Auster, there's a place made up of a thick cluster of trees, but the trees are absolutely covered in grape vines! The darker grapes - the reddish purple ones - are really sweet and delicious. Stay away from the green ones though, they're really tart and sour."

Segin Epsilon