
Past the tribulation



07-26-2021, 11:27 PM

A cheerful voice caught her off guard, too caught up in her herb gathering to notice his presence at first. She jumped a little, dropping the leaf she had just picked as her head popped up to look at the man that approached her. He had an incredibly similar look and stature to Sirius, including the elongated fangs and the white markings over his eye, but there was one very distinct feature that she had never once seen on any wolf. She blinked in surprise as she took in this massive wolf and the wings folded in at his side, for a moment to stunned to even think of how to respond to introduction and question. She tried to recover quickly though, rising so she could face him properly and giving him a dip of her head as her mind caught up with the present.

She wasn't at all surprised to hear him refer to Sirius as his father. He took after the older man quite a lot, though right away she could pick up on the fact that he was more friendly and out going than the Warlord. "Yes, sir," she replied with a soft smile, naturally keeping her head dipped slightly in a submissiveness she didn't even realize she was doing. "I'm happy to finally meet one of the Warlord's children. He spoke of you and your siblings quite fondly." Settling back onto her haunches once more, she added, "I'm Iris. A pleasure to meet you, sir." She neatened up the pile of lamb's ear she had knocked over in her hurry to face him, shyly glancing at his wings again. It didn't even seem like something that could be real. He was only the second wolf she had met since coming here and so far she was two for two with wolves that were incredibly tall and now she had met one with wings!
