
Small comforts


07-26-2021, 11:49 PM

She gave a small glance up at the pair with a smile at their thanks and when Sirius when he asked if she had eaten and gave him a small nod. "Yes, sir, I have. Thank you." There had been no shortage of food since she arrived, something she was very grateful for. Her meals had been small and scattered at first, but now with time she had begun to eat properly again and her body was slowly beginning to show the effects of that. She looked at him curiously when he addressed her again, looking toward Zee when he asked about letting her look her over. She didn't know the extent of the turmoil she had been through, but she was at least willing to look after her physical wellbeing for now. When Zee agreed she smiled softly again and gave her a nod before shifting her gaze obediently back to her paws so that she could wait for them to finish eating.

Only a moment passed before the lady was speaking to her again and her orchid eyes lifted to look at Zee, slightly surprised to be spoken to so much. Before Sirius found her she was hardly ever spoken to, at least not as amicably as this. "Probably close to a month now, ma'am... A few weeks at least," she answered, her voice naturally soft and reserved. She paused, her blue hued paws fidgeting with the grass while she fought off a bit of nerves. Despite the fact that this was a far better life than she had experienced before, it was still nerve wracking in its own way since it was so different from what she had always known. "I'm very happy to be here serving you, ma'am," she added after a moment, giving her a small, shy smile. "Your husband saved me after the slavers that owned me abandoned me so... I'm very grateful to have been given a home here."
