
But what if?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-27-2021, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2021, 04:03 PM by Ulric. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ulric's ears perked with surprise when her paw caught his cheek, pulling him back in for another kiss that poked at the deep desire he had done his best to keep reined in since the day she came back from being attacked. A rumbling, pleased murr sounded in his chest as he returned that kiss, his eyes fluttering closed as he savored this little taste of her. He refused to make her injuries worse just to fill those desires, but that didn't mean they weren't there and she certainly wasn't making his resolve to resist her any easier with moments like these. When her lips pulled away from his, he watched her slide off of the bed, sorely tempted to take her back to bed and give in to their lusts as carefully as he could manage, but instead he walked with her dutifully into the infirmary, his silver gaze catching hers occasionally with a smirk on his lips. He dipped his head to kiss her cheek, his side brushing hers. Gods, he loved his woman.

He held open the door to the infirmary to let Eska walk past him, revealing the now familiar room and the Seneshal that practically lived within. He knew she still had a room she kept in the wing where the rest of the Carpathius family resided, but more than once he had found her here all hours of the day. Gwynevere came to greet them and he sat off to the side as she went through the motions of checking Eska's healing wounds. As he had predicted she took the time to remove some stitches from a few of the places where her skin had been torn near her shoulder now that the skin had mostly begun to mend together. After applying a few herbs to a few of the still raw places she went to check Eska's neck, gently feeling and pressing with her paws. After telling them how the inflammation in her muscles was beginning to feel better and that she still didn't notice any fractures in the vertebrae she went over to the store of herbs she kept and brought out a sizable piece of a plant with little white flowers. She placed it in front of Eska saying, "Now that the stitches are out you don't need to come as often, but here's some boneset to help with the muscle pain. Take about this much in the morning and at night," she suggested, holding up how much she meant. "Just take it easy and let me know if it doesn't start getting better in another week or so."

The constant worrier that Ulric was, he nearly spoke up to ask if she was sure it wasn't better for them to come back more often for a little while longer, but he bit his tongue and just smiled softly as he gave Gwyn a thankful nod and watched her walk away to go back to her usual duties. He rose and padded over to Eska, giving her a soft kiss. "How are you feeling? Anything bothering you besides your strained muscles?" he questioned with his never ending concern, genuinely wondering if she was feeling okay, but also wondering if there was any symptoms she hadn't mentioned yet. Whether they were tied to his quiet fears or not, he wanted to make sure she was completely cared for.
