
Take a break




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-27-2021, 07:34 PM
Segin's expression lit up when Emersyn mentioned how she had never had strawberries before and he watched her curiously as she picked one up to examine it. He was so excited about unknowingly bringing something to their picnic that was a new experience for her so he could see her enjoy it for the first time. The wine was a bit more of a toss up since some wolves liked it and some didn't, but he hadn't met a single wolf that didn't like strawberries! As soon as she started to chew and he saw the delight in her eyes he knew she was no exception. He grinned happily, his tail wagging behind him. "Good! I'm glad you like them! There's plenty so help yourself." Once the attention was turned to his homemade wine, he smiled shyly at her teasing and waited anxiously for her to take a sip. When she didn't react negatively to it right away he figured it must be at least good enough to drink. She confirmed his suspicion and he grinned, happy that his experiment was going over well. "I guess we'll find out if its strong soon enough," he joked with a chuckle before he took the bottle to get a drink himself.

For a moment they were quiet, each of them enjoying the berries and the wine while they looked out at the gorgeous view. He was perfectly content in that moment, leaned into Emersyn's side while the warmth of the wine started to fill his stomach, a little smile lingering on his lips. This was just what he needed and he hoped that it was what she needed too. She always worked so hard and he knew she had been doing even more while Indigo was working through his own personal things. When she spoke, asking him if he was still happy with their life, he lifted his silver gaze to hers, his smile brightening when he looked at her two-toned eyes. "I am," he agreed easily without having to consider it much. Despite the current tension around certain things, it was hard to not be happy living this life in comparison to how his life had once been. His smile grew to a full grin and he giggled softly when she kissed the top of his head, his ears flicking bashfully.

He picked up another of the strawberries with his claws and then lifted it up to her, offering it to her with a smile. "What about you? Are you glad you stayed?" he asked curiously. He knew he had at least partially been the cause for her to stay with them instead of leaving to go back out on her own after she got an injured Indigo back to The Hallows, so he hoped that his recommendation and his insistence that she be part of their family hadn't made her unhappy. He took another drink of the wine as they talked quietly back and forth, passing it to her as they took turns slowly chipping away at the bottle.

Segin Epsilon