
Fighting For Your Love




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-27-2021, 07:46 PM
Segin slowly picked his way through the gulley as they started to collect herbs, his a bit more particular and pointed than Duchess' but he was just as happy to just pick flowers that were beautiful as he was rare herbs to add to their collection. He enjoyed the crafts she made with flowers like her flower crown and he liked having the sweet smelling flowers around their camp so he left her to her own devices while he saught out some stuff that he didn't see most places. He skipped over the dandelions, marigolds, and meadow sweet in favor of picking bundles of marshmallow, periwinkle, and even a little piece of wintergreen. Although it wasn't rare, he did go ahead and gather a good bit of motherwort as well since they'd need it sooner rather than later.

He hadn't been looking at Duchess and it wasn't until he heard a thud behind him that he looked back over his shoulder to see her laying on the ground in the middle of a patch of grass and flowers. "Duchess!" he called as he turned and ran toward her, skidding to a stop and dropping down beside her. He helped make sure she was comfortably on her side and hadn't fallen on a rock or something of the sort and dipped his head down to her chest, pressing his ear to her side. He could still hear her heart beat loud a clear and could feel the rise and fall of her chest with her breathing. He quickly picked through the flowers she had been carrying just to make sure none of them were dangerous before he breathed a sigh. As long as this wasn't anything lethal then he could calm his panic and the rapid beat of his heart. "Duchess? Duchess can you hear me?" he asked, gently shaking her shoulder to try and pull her awake.

Segin Epsilon