



08-04-2013, 05:27 PM

It would be the first morning that would present itself as an opportune moment to slither from her den - unseen by her parents. Bi-colored eyes widened as the portal that she knew to be the exit to the den became visible to her. The world of Valhalla opened up to her - and it was hers for the taking (at least in her mind). Without hesitation, the firstborn child slipped from the den without a peep, entering Valhalla for the first time in her short life. Her green eye narrowed in on a creature that was just about half her size. It was long and narrow, and had stubby legs. It's tail was perhaps the most peculiar part of it, for it was bushy and consistently twitching. It seemed to be interested in a small object that was buried in the dirt. It was working feverishly to unearth the object it so desperately wanted - and so Solaine was fairly certain it wouldn't notice if she crept just a bit closer for a better view. Instantaneously, as if her body knew what to do, she felt herself lowering her center of gravity toward the earth. Her ears laid back, and her heart began to thud at a considerable rate within her tiny chest. Her tail tip twitched at every other beat her heart took, and her eyes narrowed to bi-colored slits. She crept close, so close she could smell the tantalizing aroma that drifted from the creature. Instinct told her to jump, to pounce on it and... what exactly came next? However, in that instant her paw drug across a pebble, causing just enough of a sound to excite the flighty creature and send it up a nearby tree. Solaine scampered after it, bucking upward to place her paws on the tree. She began to yip in frustration - she was only looking after all.
