
The Once and Present Kings

Gargoyle I


08-04-2013, 05:34 PM

Burn the land and Boil the Sea; but you can't take the sky from me

It takes a good man to know when he's beaten, so the saying goes, but then wasn't there also something about never giving up? Lately the wolf had been through alot. Alot alot. Intruders on his borders. Killing a rogue. Having one of his packmates blinded. Then a challenge and a hairline defeat. A migration. Another challenge. Another migration. Gargoyle was begining to feel like stability was more a state of mind than a set of conditions. But then again, ever since moving off into a band of rogues, there had been less problems. They could go where they pleased, they could hunt prey anywhere, they had more shelters, and they didn't draw attention to themselves. Save for when pups were on the way, they could pick up and move at a moments notice. It was a different lifestyle, but it could be made to work quite well. -A fact that soothed the burn Gargoyle couldn't help but feel. It was that nagging voice in the back of his mind, telling him that he'd been a much stronger wolf once. Back in the dark days.

It was a burden -knowing that his worst side was his strongest- but it was one that he ought to be used to carrying by now. When he was with his family it was easy. One glance at his children playing or his wife relaxing with that swollen belly of hers and he was at peace... but when he was on his own... The beast let a growl grumble in the back of his throat. Today his paws had a point to their pacing, however; he wasn't just wandering aimlessly at the mercy of his thoughts. He was headed due south. Straight south. He was going to Seracia.

Crusade had been reminding him for some time that they were at fault for falling out of communication with the southern pack. She really seemed to like that Gerhardt fellow, and she felt concerned about the pack by the beachside. Gargoyle, busy with the move and two pregnant packmates was all for waiting until Crusade's leg had healed and she could go, but when he'd suggested that, his elder sister had fixed him with a very calm, very serene look. "That might take a while," she'd said. So here was Gargoyle, stepping up to the border of the allies who'd he'd fallen out of contact with just when he could've used their help the most. Time to see where things stood, and perhaps meet this grand King Gerhardt for himself. The beast's tawny chest filled with the sweet southern air, his skull tilted back til it was straight as a tree, and all at once the sky was filled with a deafening howl.


41 inches of doberman & timber wolf

been just about everything but a saint