
Past the tribulation



07-28-2021, 12:21 PM

She was surprised by the shock he seemed to have at her statement, but maybe it wasn't all that surprising once she thought about Sirius a bit more and considered how stoic and gruff he seemed at times. Maybe he wasn't the type to openly tell his children that he was proud of them, but she she wasn't sure about that either since he did show an awful lot of softness in how he cared for her when she first arrived. There had to be more to it, but it most certainly wasn't her place to say anything of the sort or question him on it.

She tensed only slightly as he moved closer, almost imperceptible in the tightening of her shoulders as he reached over to pick up one of the leaves she was collecting to put it back into the pile she had gathered. Her automatic response to all of these large males that seemed to live here had diminished some since she arrived, but that automatic instinct still remained no matter how much she tried to force herself to relax. It was her turn to be surprised when he complimented her name, making her lift her gaze back from the leaves at her feet to look at him. It was the first time she had ever really received a compliment like this and she smiled softly, shyly glancing back down at her feet. "The irises near where I was born had more purple and indigo hues to them so I think it was more for my fur than my eyes, but... yes, something like that. I'm not sure though - I haven't seen my parents since I was very little."

She truly tried to think nothing of his statement about "beating men off with a stick" knowing it was just a turn of phrase, especially considering the amusement she could hear in his voice, but it was difficult to pull a similar smile across her features. It wasn't his fault. He didn't know how right he was, except the fighting back that would have required would have just done her more harm than good in her situation. She looked at him for a moment when he mentioned how he was here to fight them for her now that she was in the Armada and she silently wondered if he would actually fight for a slave or if it was just more kind words. "Well... That's very kind of you to say," she said politely, giving him another smile before she bent her head to pick up the pile of leaves at her paws so that she could carry them back to the den she had been staying in.
