
Small comforts


07-28-2021, 12:33 PM

She blinked with surprise when Zee instructed her not to call her ma'am, and for a moment she was at a loss of what to call her. Simply calling her by her name seemed too familiar for a slave to be speaking to the wife of the alpha and her mistress, but calling her "miss" or "mistress" didn't feel much better than ma'am. She hesitated, but ultimately replied, "As you wish... Zee." It felt strange on her tongue after years of "sir" and "ma'am" to address anyone that owned her, but she supposed that if there was something else Zee preferred to be called then she would correct her again. She didn't reply when Zee pointed out that she was lucky and how safe she was here, instead just giving another smile and a nod. She knew there was far worse fates that could have befallen her - the slavers coming back for her or dying from starvation at the end of a chain being just a couple - but so far she was happy with this second chance she was given thanks to the Warlord.

She glanced at Sirius when he mentioned how well she was doing in her training and her face flushed with a shy smile. That felt extremely generous considering the most she had done so far was stretches to start reworking her muscles into some kind of working condition and some practice with a defensive stance. It still felt very foreign and uncomfortable, but she was determined to try if that's what Sirius wanted from her. When Zee questioned the Warlord on the speed of which she had begun her training a little moment of panic flared in her chest. She didn't understand that Zee was speaking mostly for herself in that moment, she just couldn't help but worry that she might be the cause for some sort of rift or that Sirius might start seeing the struggles she was trying so hard to hide. "I-I don't mind!" she spoke up quickly, though her voice was still as soft and melodic as ever. "I'm fine, really. The training hasn't bothered me."
