
From Time to Time


08-04-2013, 05:44 PM

He had found his body gravitating toward the range, and he knew he could avoid Seracia no longer. It had been last night when he'd come in, slipping in around midnight and taking an abandoned den near the borderline. He almost felt unwelcome here, though he knew most of Seracia would welcome him with open paws. He felt as if he had failed them, though he had given his everything for them. A sigh drifted from his lips as he moved now toward the lake. The day was new, and it was time he showed his face around his former Kingdom. It wasn't as if he was an omega now and had to cower, he simply wasn't the leader they'd once known. Maverick was no doubt making the crown his own, and he knew that his son would do a good job - perhaps even better than he had.

He twisted toward the lake, eager to get a drink and see if he could find anyone. Idle thoughts of how things had changed circled in his mind, though he knew he shouldn't worry. Maverick and Epiphron would be fine leaders, and it was no longer his place to worry over Seracia constantly. Finally, for the first time in a long time, Gerhardt could worry about himself. The faintest of smiles flickered across his face as he noted the familiar scent of Loccian - laced with something quite tantalizing. The Ambassador was in heat. He felt a familiar warmth in his loins, but dismissed it as the scent of her heat was only barely present - covered by something he assumed she was using to disguise this season from the Kingdom's males. He wouldn't make mention of it at first, at least until he'd determined how she felt toward him. In his mind - she had every right to feel strange in his presence after the events that had come to pass.

Ambassador, he chided with a hint of affection. She had always been one of his more favored wolves in the Kingdom. So much had come to pass in her life, so many struggles and trials. Gerhardt hoped that the woman was doing well, and thriving despite the difficulties she had faced. I trust you are well? Despite the fact that he no longer was obligated to care about the Kingdom in the same way he once had, he couldn't help but feel compassionate toward its subjects. Some things never changed.
