
Not Your Average Physical

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-28-2021, 02:40 PM

He had taken the last patrol of the night and when he did finally flop down into his bed he was out almost immediately. With Artorias gone for training with the Warlord in the Armada, he had stepped up to try and help more around the pack, taking on some of the patrols his friend usually did. That meant he was pretty beat by the time he went to bed, but he knew that if something had happened to him or he got pulled away for some reason that Artorias would have done the same so he didn't complain. He hadn't always dealt well with the idea of responsibility and duty - and sometimes he still didn't - but his friend had inspired him a lot since he became his mentor and if nothing else he didn't want Artorias coming home and finding out that he had been slacking while he was away.

He was sleeping deeply when Syanna slipped into the room, completely oblivious to her presence as he snored softly, his paws giving soft twitches occasionally from the dreams he'd ultimately not remember. It wasn't until she nudged his shoulder that she started to pull him from sleep, breathing in more deeply as his legs stretched with a groggy grumble, his front paws suddenly finding the soft fluff of her chest which made him blink his eyes open with surprise. He looked from the white fur around his paws up to her face as his sleep muddled mind started to slowly catch up with the present. It was dark in the room with just the moonlight to see by so he knew he hadn't over slept... so...

"Syanna?" he questioned softly, still blinking the sleep from his eyes as his jaws stretched in a yawn. "What are you doing here?" Even as he questioned her though, her scent hit his nose as it steadily filled the room, and as his gaze refocused on her face that was just a few inches from his own, his mind immediately went back to the day they spent by the falls and his face flushed, watching her curiously as he fought the urge to reach out and pull her onto the bed with him.

WC: 372
Total: 1051/1500

Ezra Adravendi