
the one and only


08-04-2013, 06:00 PM

Lime eyes shifted, following a pattern of movement at the surface of the water. The lake was rather placid on this day, save for where he had disturbed it with his steady paddling. However, in this certain spot the glassy surface was being broken by a creature he knew to be a turtle. Having run across many in his youth, he knew this to be a fun creature to pester, but not one that would end up in a savory meal. The King let it alone for now, watching it flee from him in worry that he might roll it down a hill (as he had done when he was a child). It would only be his pregnant wife that could distract him from watching it go - and it was her that showed up at that very moment.

He twisted, gliding toward her effortlessly through the water. His ears flickered forward as a smile drifted across his face. She offered a gentle word of greeting, and he returned it with an affectionate note. Gorgeous, he chided. Clamoring up onto the shoreline, he quickly shook himself off - at a safe distance from her - and then trotted toward her with a bounce in his step. In his youth he had thought her to be the most beautiful she could ever be, but now that she was his wife and carrying his children - she had a whole new glow about her. His muzzle sought to plant a kiss upon her cheek, prepared for rejection should she be in one of her mood swings that had recently become more frequent.

How are you this morning? He offered with genuine concern in his lyrics. She had been struggling getting used to the added weight and pains of pregnancy - he only wished he could help. Lime optics shifted to the faint bulge about her waist, the smile widening on his lips as he shifted to lay down facing her. He would remain on his stomach in case he was summoned elsewhere - thought he King very much hoped he would get an undisturbed meeting with his wife.
