
Past the tribulation



07-28-2021, 05:41 PM

She was quick to give a small shake of her head when he apologized, giving him a soft smile. "It's okay. I didn't expect you to know." She didn't mean to make him feel bad and she didn't want him to feel bad for her either. Her past was her past and as long as things kept going the way they were she hoped it could stay that way. There was a sense of walking on egg shells still as if she was still uncertain if this life that she was suddenly given could be taken away from her at any moment or not, but Sirius assured her that this was her home now and Mortis more or less did the same. She hadn't known any of them very long, but what he said about Sirius felt at least mostly true. She couldn't overlook the fact that he had come to a slave camp assuringly with the intent of buying so the statement of him being a slave keeper didn't feel entirely true, but he was by far the kindest master she had ever had.

His son seemed to have that kindness in leaps and bounds and she found herself smiling more easily as he assured her that she could come to him for protection. His expression and tone felt genuine and she had no doubt that he meant what he said. "Thank you... I'll remember that," she replied sweetly, her tail giving a soft swish behind her. She went to pick up her herbs again, telling him, "The den I've been using is this way." She picked up the leaves and walked the short distance to the den, slipping inside to stow the herbs in the bag Sirius and handed over to her the first night she was here.

Picking it up and turning to face Mortis, she held it open so he could put in his portion of them before putting it back beside the bed of furs. "Thank you for your help." It was still so strange to have someone assisting her like this so readily - or at all, if she was being honest - and she couldn't help but smile as she looked up at the much larger man. Once they were outside of the den again, she glanced curiously at his wings, giving a little tilt of her head. "If... you don't mind me asking... Can you... fly?" she asked uncertainly, the idea sounding crazy in her own ears.
