
rogue taxidermy




Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
07-28-2021, 05:56 PM

Thankfully, his uncle seemed just as eager to answer the questions as Pontifex was to ask them. For a few scant moments they were merely boys enjoying their toys, unbound by status or propriety. "I did. I found the dagger on an island near by, but I did put some time into restoring it and replacing the leather on the hilt. I'd be happy to teach you." Plague mentioned, prompting a soft few thumps of a plush banner against the terra. Two-toned eyes followed the motion of the large man's paw extending to overturn a corner of his leather, examining the contours and quality. Eager to watch a master at work, those round eyes drank in everything and sought to file it away in his memory. "You see how this side is smoother than the other? You'll most likely want to keep this smooth side out. It looks nicer, but this rougher side also adheres together better. If you were going to be taking the dagger in and out a lot I might suggest double layering it to make it stiffer and less resistant to being cut, but if it's just to use occasionally for general tasks then one layer should be fine." the pale man explained with the distant tone of a man deep in thought about the logistics of crafting. Mauve masked features scrunched up as he focused intensely on the explanation, soft hums and grunts of affirmation escaping him periodically.

Yet again he found himself following the motions of Plague's huge paw, directing him to align the edge of his dagger with the straightest edge of his leather piece. "It's easiest if you lay the dagger at the straightest edge and then fold the leather over around it. Then you only have to stitch up one side and around the bottom. Look around and find a rock that has a moderately sharp edge on it and you can use that to etch a line into the surface of the leather where you'll eventually cut out the piece you need - but make sure to leave some excess around the edge for your stitching." as his uncle spoke, the boy went to work. He aligned the sharp edge of the dagger with the smooth line along the edge of the leather, and gently held the blade in place with his paw as he folded the leather over. He wanted to be sure the piece was large enough to fit around it in the first place, and he was delighted to find that there was more than enough material for the task at hand. Next, the lanky yearling rose to his paws and sought out the sharp edged stone that his uncle mentioned.

"Is there a place that is best to find the rocks? I'm sure I can find one here, but in the future, would it be better to go to the beach maybe?" he enquired softly, gaze locked on the dark earth underfoot in search of the perfect rock. None of the paw-sized stones he noticed seemed to have a sharp edge, but he remembered something Hallux had mentioned in the past. He plucked up a nicely shaped stone, and clutched it tightly in his paw as he brought it crashing down on a larger rock that was half buried in the ground. He struck along the top of the oblong shape in his paw, and split it in a rough, sharp line as the top corner split away. Yes, that would work well enough. He dropped his prize and kicked it gently over to where his materials still lay. Once he'd settled back down, he started fumbling the stone into his grip again, searching for the perfect way to hold it to achieve the results he wanted. "What happens after the line is etched?" he asked, glancing up at his uncle once he'd folded the leather in half over the dagger once again. With it secured under his pale forepaw, the dark gloved one began to carefully scratch along the outside of the dagger's shape in it's leather sleeve.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.