



08-04-2013, 06:15 PM

The demoness stood tall over the little mutt within her view. Canttina had no patience for little ones. She didn't even care for her own children. The woman was pregnant once. She dreaded every moment of it. But, when she came home to her pack with a plump belly the Alpha beat the lifeless beings from her. He aborted them with force and Canttina never got to see her children. The woman never let a man touch her again, though she wasn't against it to much more. The woman was past it a little bit. Though she still bore the scars of the beating upon her belly. She held many scars upon her large body. Her shoulders were pink and marked from teeth and claw. Her legs were marked, as well as other various bits of her body.

Yellow orbs beamed down at the younger demon. It began to speak in a harsh language. Canttina tilted her head, maybe she was really mentally handicapped? She shook her head as the girl chanted again. "I have no clue what language you speak. Shut up." She rolled her eyes and snorted. She kneaded the earth beneath her massive paws. Her tail flicked about idly upon her rear. She watched as the young Wolf made her way to Canttina's side. The yellow orbs followed the oddly marked pup with curiosity. The girl began to speak, this time in the language Canttina knew. She laughed softly, her scars were cool? "Atleast someone admires them. I have worked hard to get them." She had scars upon scars. The brown girl turned to face the yearling again. "You have spunk, girl. But, spunk would get you killed. You shouldn't be out here alone or th baddies could get to you!" She bared her bloody teeth and snickered. She snapped her teeth and licked her marked muzzle.

the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun