
On Top of the World




Master Fighter (270)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - Lesbian
1KDouble Master
07-28-2021, 05:37 PM

Gossamer wished more than ever to learn to control her emotions. It was one thing being open with Ophelia about how shitty she'd been feeling, another entirely to share such things with Briar's boyfriend whom she'd only just met. She felt embarrassed at first then sympathetic as Artorias explained that he'd lost his own mother, just last season, to some strange illness. "Oh wow, I'm so sorry… I had no idea." She was glad though that Briar had found someone to confide in who truly understood the pain they were going through, and maybe a little jealous.

As Artorias spoke she listened intently, nodding rapidly when he mentioned the huge dire wolves. She remember such a force attacking the Armada and there had been at least one saber-cat among that group if not more. It was strange how the grief over her mother seemed to over-shadow everything else that had happened. "That must be a lot of pressure. Is that something that you actually want to do?" Gossamer had decided long ago that while she wanted a high rank she had no desire to ever take over the Armada. Luckily she had Mortis who was around and if Mortis wasn't going to be the heir she sort of assumed it would be Briar. Briar was pretty much the golden child of their litter and she couldn't imagine Aris or Ophelia wanting to run the Armada. Kotori? Maybe? Although, if the relationship between Briar and Artorias got serious…

Her thoughts were cut off when Artorias yelled out to look at the south. She turned her head where the clouds were starting to clear and gasped. The southern portion of Boreas and part of Auster stretched out before them. Gossamer had the strangest sensation, almost as if she was flying. Was this how birds saw the world? What she wouldn't give to be able to just soar over the land like a bird. "This is incredible!" She smiled softly. "Yea, it certainly offers a bit of perspective." She glanced over at Artorias again. "I mean, I don't know how Briar's taste runs for dates but if you get a clear night and a full moon this might be a nice spot before winter moves in."