
next new age abraxas 3:15-20



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
07-28-2021, 07:08 PM

His mother was thankfully quite quick on her feet, readily offering an answer to his question. He only noticed the slightest movement from Modesty at his side, but paid it no heed as he gazed up at his mother. The boy was always amazed by the fact that his mother seemed to know everything, even when he wasn't certain anyone would know the answer to what he was thinking. There was some comfort to be drawn from the notion that he wouldn't be punished if he died without heirs, knowing full well that he was certainly one of the least sociable of his siblings and certainly among the bottom tiers among his cousins. He found himself drifting away on a train of thought that had him wondering what kind of future he would have, and the possibility of settling down with a mate to raise a family. Mismatched forepaws curled tighter around Hallux, the side of one long fang brushing repeatedly over the soft feathers of her neck as he thought to himself. It was an unconscious, self soothing action- the sensation of the feathers brushing over his teeth coupled with the gentle shushing sound put his mind and body at ease. The ebony bird allowed it, more focused on the interesting beliefs of the wolves she lived among. Pontifex wasn't quite old enough to really know what he wanted to do, but he wasn't certain he wanted a wife and family. Perhaps he would settled down with a husband, like his uncle Plague?

The avian companion grew tired of the incessant motions of her canine ward once the topic began to take a more dour note, and subtly bumped her wing against those long fangs in warning. It was enough to shake Pontifex from his thoughts, and he returned his attention to his mother's sermon. He'd missed the question, but he was catching the tail end of the speech. A worrisome pit developed in his stomach at the notion of damnation without potential for salvation, as was the fate of his mysterious aunt and uncle. He'd never met either of them, but he wondered what they might need to do in penance to receive the grace of god once more. It seemed cruel to deny a child their divinity through the actions of their parents, and he wondered if somehow he might be permanently tarnished in God's eyes by Toxicity's future actions. Yet again he started to worry at Hallux's feathers, this time nibbling at the soft tufts of down at the base of her skull. Once he noticed a soft feather coming free in his teeth he soothed the skin with a swipe of his tongue, and fought to restrain himself from harassing the poor avian any further.

Then his cousin Kuroki spoke up, and Pontifex certainly heard what he said. A frown furrowed his brows, and the boy turned a piercing stare upon his mother. This was pertinent information, and he could see no reason why she would withhold it from them. Heat? Mounting? Fade to black? Interesting, but the notion didn't stir anything in his young mind beyond concern that he might have to find a larger female or risk crushing her. He was a rather large boy, even now, barely even a yearling yet. That seemed a daunting task in itself, since the only large female's he knew happened to be related to him by blood. Already he was plotting his eventual departure from the pack to seek out a potential mate that would allow him to fulfill his divine duty, and thus allow him to return home and resume his usual life.

His mother once again opened the floor to questions from the youngsters, who seemed to have fallen into a tenuous silence. Eventually his sister spoke up, her concern pointed firmly towards their uncle Plague. He had been tied to a male, as opposed to a female, and thus would likely be unable to conceive pups from that union. This was a good question to ask of their mother, and the boy opted to keep his mouth shut and await a response from Toxicity. He hadn't immediately seen the wedding as sinful, or his uncle as a heretic. However, he was suddenly aware that it could potentially be morally wrong, as opposed to physically dangerous.

"talking" thinking actions

Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.