
Purpose Driven




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-29-2021, 12:29 PM
Manea had her attention split between the enticing squirming and twitching of the delicate fae in her grasp and the story she was being told of a brute that had kept her and gotten killed for it only to be abandoned by the male she had attempted to follow afterward. A smirk pulled across her lips at the idea that Irilyth would just follow whoever the most ruthless, powerful wolf around her was whether they had murdered in front of her or not. That hadn't slipped past her in the telling of her recent past and she decided that would be a trait that would only end up serving her well in this new arrangement. At least she didn't have to worry about scaring her off if she and Alastor ever killed in front of her. She wondered just how far Irilyth would go to keep herself cared for. Clearly she was at least willing to follow her master's murderer and willing to let her body be used by a married pair for their pleasure. How much farther could she push the girl currently gasping and moaning in her grasp? There was going to be plenty of time to find out.

She chuckled softly and started leaving a trail of kisses and nibbles along her pale throat, listening to more of those delightful reactions while her paw continued to tease and play with her soft, tender belly and brushing across the most intimate parts of her just to tease and drive her crazy and start building that all consuming desire in her again. "I'm pregnant with our first litter," she admitted to the girl she was currently assaulting, speaking against her skin between kisses and nips. "My family has always laid claim to a piece of land wherever we settled and had an informal structure of some sort among ourselves, but... These children deserve more. I want more." She lifted her head to look down into Irilyth's berry gaze again, a smirk pulling across her lips as she left a teasing lick across the end of her muzzle. "I want a pack. I want to establish the power my family deserves and create a legacy for my children to carry on."

Her paw lightly brushed back and forth over the most sensitive parts of Irilyth's body between her thighs, enjoying torturing her like this too much to stop while she continued to force her to focus on what she was being told. "Would you enjoy being a matriarch's handmaid, my little Irilyth? Will you help me bring my dream to life?" she questioned while her lips lightly brushed across Irilyth's, absolutely obsessed with this little fae she had found. She might even have a hard time sharing with Alastor, but she had no doubt that she would.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny